Carbon Offset Project Selection
- All Community Carbon Fund projects are to be reviewed and supported by the ODC Network;
- Project and/or its’ direct impacts(s) occur in the CFHZ service area;
- Project sequesters and/or mitigates carbon or carbon equivalents without negatively impacting the community or the environment;
- Offsetting projects/activities must have the ability to be measured/verified in a scientifically backed manner;
- Offsetting project/activity costs must not exceed suggested donation of $50/ton;
- Offsetting projects/activities will not be registered or retired by the project host or a third party through alternate carbon capture programs.
- Projects/activities will be facilitated by a registered non-profit;
- Projects/activities will not happen without funding for the purpose of sequestration and/or mitigation;
- Projects/activities Cannot be used as a requirement for another purpose.